
Speaks for Itself – The annual exhibition of the Studio of Young Artists’ Association

- 16 July 2011 - 4 September 2011


he exhibition, housed on two floors of Building A of the Hungarian National Gallery, explores the current concerns of the young generation of Hungarian artists.

The material for Speaks for Itself features a selection of works submitted in response to three questions concerning the new generation’s interests and way of thinking. Diverse as they are, the responses, that is, the works submitted-inspired by theoretical and practical debates on the art scene, by current events in politics, society and everyday life, and the artists’ quest for identity- reflect the diversity of Hungarian art today. To help understand the differences in outlook and the various ways in which artists of the current generation define and express contemporary art and its topical features, the show is split into three sections: Daily Routine – Human Fallibility, No Matter the Medium, the Message Is What Counts and Experimental Egotism.

The exhibition is the product of a cooperation between the Hungarian National Gallery and the Studio of Young Artists’ Association.

Curator of the exhibition: PETRÁNYI Zsolt

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